Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wine & Invisalign!

Today at lunch out with the girls, I accidentally forgot to take out my trays while drinking my glass of wine!!! Oops!!!!!
Once I remembered, I took them out, gave them a good rinse, stored them in their container and continued my wine with my lunch.
I figure that it should be ok to have a white wine with my trays in as long as I will be taking them out soon anyway to eat!
The risk while drinking (anything other than water) while wearing your trays is an increased chance of cavities because the drink will be trapped in your trays and you don't have your saliva to naturally wash the drink/sugar etc away.
My question is: How could cavities occur in such a short time frame if you will be taking them out very soon anyway to eat then brush? So I think from now on I will allow myself a leisurely wine to drink with my trays in!!!
2 hours per day without wearing your trays is only just long enough to gobble down your breakfast, lunch & dinner but if you enjoy drinking socially (& taking your time and not sculling it all back!) it is just NOT long enough!!!
So, cheers to wine & invisalign!


truleigh said...

I have been drinking vodka and squash with mine for pretty much the whole cavities at this stage!!

Jo said...

Oh really? Thats good to hear! How far into treatment are you?

Teeth Whitening Allentown said...

I read over your blog. Interesting post and good looking site. I'm definitely going to visit again!

Doylestown Teeth Whitening said...

It’s always great to hear that those in the dental profession are expanding knowledge. Thanks!