Monday, November 29, 2010

Hygienist appointment done

Had my Hygienist appointment today. Went well, nothing much to report.....
Took about an hour of scaling & polishing.... I got 2 x free toothpastes and got a discount for being an invisalign patient! So instead of it costing $190, it only cost me $130! YAY! (good with Xmas coming up!). I need to go again in 6 months time, they highly recommend a professional clean every 6 months while undergoing orthodontic treatment.
So, apart from that everything is going well.... I am on tray # 11 and not a lot to report..... hopefully my next post might be a bit more exciting! :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Annual check up with regular dentist

Had my annual check-up with the regular dentist after work today (not my orthodontist)......
He said I have EXCELLENT oral hygiene and can see that I really take care of my teeth..... BUT unfortunately 2 of my back bottom molars need a couple of little fillings. He said it is just caused by wear & tear and with there being a lot of grooves in those teeth that these things are bound to happen despite excellent oral hygiene!!! GRRRRRRRRR!!!!! He said it is definitely NOT from wearing my invisalign trays at all and it was actually spotted from my PRE-invisalign photos (the dentist that took the photos pre-invisalign put a note on it for my check-up to say that those particular 2 teeth needed to be watched). So, the good news is that it wasn't invisalign that caused the holes but the bad news is that I'm gonna be about $400 out of pocket!!!
Sooooooooo much money is going on my teeth!!! I have an appointment with the hygienist in a couple of weeks for a professional clean & that alone is $190!!!
P.S - I had my trays out for 3 hours in a row last saturday night, the longest I have ever had them out in one sitting! Oops!!!!! but I seriously don't think it will affect my treatment or anything! Will see when I have my next appointment with my orthodondist!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tray # 10 pic

Top pic wearing tray # 1 comparing with bottom pic wearing tray # 10 (not very good quality I'm afraid but you can see how the gap between my 2 front teeth is getting smaller!)

Friday, November 5, 2010

What about my Sons' teeth!!??

Here I am obsessed with my own teeth that I am afraid to say that I have neglected my 5 year old sons teeth!!!!!
He is only 5 years old and today he had to get a tooth pulled out! Yes, it was badly decayed and abscessed!!! Not only that, he needs to go back to the dentist to get 2 fillings done!!!!!???!
How can a 5 year old have cavities!!!??? I put it down to too many lollies and being a bit too relaxed with his teeth brushing! I think I wasn't very worried because majority of his teeth are still baby teeth! Yet here I am religiously brushing/flossing/mouth washing after each meal and totally obsessed with my own teeth yet my poor baby's teeth have been seriously neglected!!!!! I feel like such a bad mother!!!!!!