Friday, November 5, 2010

What about my Sons' teeth!!??

Here I am obsessed with my own teeth that I am afraid to say that I have neglected my 5 year old sons teeth!!!!!
He is only 5 years old and today he had to get a tooth pulled out! Yes, it was badly decayed and abscessed!!! Not only that, he needs to go back to the dentist to get 2 fillings done!!!!!???!
How can a 5 year old have cavities!!!??? I put it down to too many lollies and being a bit too relaxed with his teeth brushing! I think I wasn't very worried because majority of his teeth are still baby teeth! Yet here I am religiously brushing/flossing/mouth washing after each meal and totally obsessed with my own teeth yet my poor baby's teeth have been seriously neglected!!!!! I feel like such a bad mother!!!!!!

1 comment:

Cami S said...

What a great laugh. From one mother to another, we are allowed one small neglect per year as long as its pertaining to our beauty. :-) Happy New Year