Wednesday, October 5, 2011

First official full day of not wearing my trays!


Thought I would give an update on how my first official day with no trays was like! It felt weird my teeth being all naked with no attachments and no trays (just the wires behind my teeth). I've gotten used to the bottom wire quite quickly, it feels nice and smooth. The top wire feels strange, like I have a bit of chewing gum stuck up there!? but I'm getting used to it, I have taken a pic of the top wire so you can see what it looks like (it was the first time I saw it too).
I was able to actually have a snack for morning tea at work without worrying about having to take my trays out or rushing off to the toilets to brush my teeth etc! My lunch break felt extra long without the whole brushing/flossing routine! YAY! I chewed gum after lunch and kept rinsing my mouth out with water, a little paranoid about not having clean teeth! After 15 months of brushing after every meal, you get used to having such clean teeth, so now its back to brushing just morning and night.  I also kept checking in the mirror that my teeth haven't moved! LOL! talk about paranoid!!!
I got some Oral B Superfloss to floss underneath my wires, this superfloss is fantastic! It comes in a box of 50 ($10 NZ) and each floss has a stiffened end to easily poke in between my teeth under the wires which is perfect!!! I was a bit worried about being able to floss and keep things clean with these wires in, so I highly recommend Oral B Superfloss!
My current trays feel a bit loose without my attachments and with bits cut out to accommodate the wires.  Lee-Anne said they can make up a retainer (takes about 20 minutes) if my current trays break or get too yucky (been wearing them now for 4 weeks and won't be getting my vivera retainers until after my bridge work has been done end of November).
The other pic I have up is my current trays (#30 on the right) next to my 1st trays just so you can get an idea of the changes. The bottom first tray was very wonky with teeth that were pushing inwards and my top first tray shows a narrow arch and the big gap between my 2 front teeth.  You can also notice how far my overbite was!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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