Monday, July 19, 2010

First day back at work - Day 11 in 1st aligners

I have been off work for the last week & a bit for school holidays so today was my first day back at work with my invisalign!
Everyone was pretty much amazed at how UN-noticable they are!!! YAY!!!!!
My only issue was lunch time - finding somewhere to secretly take them out! I went upstairs to the toilets but it was so busy in there that I didn't feel comfortable trying to get them out there with people watching me so I went back downstairs and managed to get them off pretty easily in my own little work area. It was the first time I have ever taken them off without a mirror! Impressive! (Although I am still using a latex rubber glove as it is easier and I don't get sore fingers).
After lunch I decided to walk to other toilets (a bit further away) and brush/floss my teeth in the disabled/wheelchair access toilets (private with own sink & mirror!), so this might be my new place to brush my teeth at work privately! However, I was a bit paranoid that I might get in trouble using those toilets since I don't have a wheelchair!
I'm looking forward to changing my aligners on Thursday (3 more days) because the ones I have now are a bit scratchy looking so it will be nice to have some fresh ones on!

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