Friday, July 9, 2010

The next day with my 1st aligner! (pic attached).

Well, I slept well last night with my 1st aligner, no problems at all which is great.
As per my previous post, the Dentist didn't want me taking them out until I saw him again this afternoon so I was STARVING by this morning. I had an Up-N-Go drink through a straw as I didn't want to make a mess of my aligners.
I had a big look in the mirror this morning and started feeling really really blaaaaaaggghhhh.....
the attachments look HUGE and really noticable. I am sure I will get used to them but I just didn't expect them to be so big & funny shaped? From far away you can't notice anything but anyone a reasonable distance from me can see its pretty obvious! I am sure people will soon be asking "Whats that on your teeth?"?
I went to the mall and tried to keep my mouth closed the whole time but I'm finding it hard to close my lips together cos of the trays so now when I try to close my mouth, it feels forced. I am sure as my teeth start to move back then I won't have this problem, but for now I feel like I don't want to smile for the next 14 months!!!! LOL
Visited the dentist at 1:40pm and straight away he pulled the aligners out..... OOOOOUUUCCCCHHHH!!!! Talk about sore!!!! Felt like my teeth were being ripped out!
Then he cleaned them and got me to put them in, no problems & no pain but then he got ME to try and get them OUT and wow! talk about mission impossible!!!!???
I used a hook to try lift up one of the sides from the upper aligner and it took like forever! I was so scared that I might damage the aligner or poke a hole through it! He said I have to just be forceful and DO IT!!!! So we had several attempts of putting them in and taking them out until I felt I knew what I was doing and then on one attempt taking out the bottom aligner it flung up in the air & hit him smack in the face, saliva and all!!!!! Lucky he has a sense of humour and thought it was hilarious! I then left them out so that I could go get some much needed lunch from the next-door bakery!
All my appointments over the coming 14 months are all now booked in the system, there are a couple of appointments where I have to get IPR (shaving between teeth) to help make more room for the teeth to move. Damn, I was hoping I wouldn't need that since I had 2 top teeth removed? Maybe its for my bottom teeth?
After the dentist, I was sooooo starving, I ate a sausage roll, vege samosa and a custard slice! Then I couldn't wait to get home to fully floss & brush my teeth and put the aligners back in again!
I have attached a close-up pic of me wearing them so you can see what it looks like (also with my attachments). As you can see the aligners are hardly noticable but its the attachments that stick out!


Alicia K said...

I went through a drive through the other day and the guy that gave me my food had Invisalign in, or at lest i think he did. All i noticed was a thin plastic coating over his teeth, i didn't even notice any attachments on his teeth. So hopefully it will be the same for you ... no one really notices them. And if htey do, oh well, the end result will be worth it I bet.

Jo said...

Wow, someone else in NZ wearing invisalign! cool! I know they are out there! LOL
Some people don't have any attachments (lucky!)and some have only like 4 or 5 but I have 14!!!!!!! and the ones on my front side teeth are HUGE!